Welcome on the website of Vanenos and Jan Willem van Ee
In the English section the texts that are only available in English are presented.
Looking at a picture, what are you looking at? You could think that you are looking at reality, or something that tells you a story, shows an event, or tries to evoke an emotion.
But then, who tells the story, interprets the event, or gets the emotion, and more important what is reality? In all cases it is not about the photograph, but about you. Photographs are the mirrors of your own mind.
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Conflict management covers a wide area. It ranges from coaching and mediating in individual conflict situations to setting up a management system to prevent conflicts or to resolve them at an early stage.
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The Crack
The essay in this book is about emergence.
Energy and Shamanism
Working with energy is science with other means of proof
Quechua is a beautiful language, spoken by the indigenous people of the Andes, from southern Equador to northern Argentina. The heart lies in Peru, in the high altitude in Peru in the region of Cusco, the capital of the Inka Empire of old.
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On this Blog page are Dutch and English blogs. You can choose a language by means of the tags and categories for the subject. I noticed that writing about The flight the garuda is easier for me in English.