Quechua Exercises 1

For the first exercise you can compare the first and second version. Try to understand what is said, without looking at the translation! For the first exercise this might take some time for these few lines, but taking your time will pay off.

Exercise 1 version 1, plain Quechua version

Note the phonemes in bold carry the emphasis. In words with 2 phonemes the emphasis is always on the first.

Also try to read this out loud to get the “sound” of the language.

1 Iskay runakuna tupakunku (iskay runa tupakun)
2 Runa riman: Allillanchu? (A)
3 Huknin kutichin: Allillanmi, qamrí (qamqá) Cusco sumaq! Ancha sumaq! (B)
4 A: Maymantataq hamunki?
5 B: Holandamanta hamuni.
6 A: Holanda karusu! Haykataq ura aviunpi tiarkanki?
7 B: Qayna punchaw Amsterdammanta Limaman chunka iskayniyoq ura aviunpi tiarkani.
8 Lima llaqtapi puñurqani hutilpi
9 Kunan punchaw tutamanta Limamanta Cuscuman iskaylla ura aviunwan pawaq kani
10 B: Maymantapas hamunki?
11 A: Eugenemanta hamuni
12 B: Maypitaq Eugene?
13 A: Ustadus Uniduspi, suyu Oregonmi sutin.
14 Holanda aswan karuchu Eugenemanta?
15 B: Arí, Holanda aswan karu Eugenemanta.
16 A: Imataq sutiyki?
17 B: Jan Willem sutiy, qamrí
18 A: Wake sutiy. Kusikusani reqsisuspay
19 Jan Willem: Noqaqa kusikusanipasmi
20 Wake: Haykataq punchaw kaypi kasanki?
21 Jan Willem: Kimsa simana Piruwpi kasaq
22 Wake: Imakunatataq munasanki ruwayta
23 Jan Willem: Munasani riyta Machu Pichuman, Pisaqmanpas, munsani rikuy llapakunata. Qamrí?
24 Wake: Nuqaqachu? Nuqaqa pusaqwan urqukunapi purisaq, Apu Salkantayman, chaymanta Machu Pichuman, haqaymanta Cuscuman kutimusaq.
25 Jan Willem: Haykataq punchaw puriy? (purimunki)
26 Wake: Suqta punchaw purisaq urqukunapi. Nuqa, pusaqwanpas, waykuqwanpas, arrierowanpas, kabballukunawanpas.
27 Tawa runakuna, phiska uywakunapas, huk kaballupas noqapaq. Mana atispay puriychu.
28 Hawa simana, qanchis punchawkama kaypi kutimusaq.
29 Jan Willem: Rimanawanki, kutimuspayki
30 Wake: Allinmi. Tupananchiskama
31 Jan Willem: Tupananchiskama

List of word used

line1 runa man
  iskay 2
  Cosco-pi In Cusco
  tupa-ku-nku tupa-y to meet
    tupa-ku-y to meet each other
2 alli-chu good-Q marker
  rima-n rima-y to speak
3 huknin the other
  allilla-n-mi good!
  kuti-chi-y to answe
and you?
  sumaq beautiful
  ancha very
4 may-manta-taq where from?
  hamu-y to come
5 -manta from
6 karu far
  -su very (generally: augmentative)
  hay-kataq how much?
  ura hours
  aviun-pi in an airplane
  tiaya-y To be, to sit
7 quayna punchaw yesterday, litt.gone by day
  chunka iskayniyuq 12
  -man to, in de direction of
8 llaqta town, city
  puñu-y to sleep
  hutil hotel
9 tuta-manta early in the morning

kunan punchaw



  iskay-lla only 2
  -wan with, (instrumental)
  pawaq kani did I fly
10 -pas and
12 may-pi-taq where?
13 suyu region, state
  -mi emphatic
  suti-y to name
14 aswan …. ….manta more …. than

is Holland further away than Eregon?

15 arí yes
16 ima-taq What?
18 kusi-ku-y to be glad
  kusi-ku-sa-y in the process of being glad
  reqsi-su-spa-y to meet you, see note*
19 nuqa I
20 kay-pi here, in this place
21 kimsa three
  simana week
22 ima-kuna what?, plural
  muna-y to want, to like, to love
  ruwa-y to do, do make
23 ri-y to go
  riku-y to see
  llapa all
24 pusah guide (also 8)
  urqu mountain
  puri-y to walk
  apu mountain and mountainspirit
  chay-manta there from, then
  haqay-manta over there from
  kuti-mu-y to come back
26 suqta 6
  wayku-q cook
  arriero the man that tends to the horses
  kaballu horse
27 tawa 4
  phiska 5
  uywa animal to carry loads, mules, horses, llama’s
  Tia-na-y-paq Lit. for me to sit on
  Ati-y to be able, can
  Mana ….chu not
28 hawa up, above, following
  qanchis 7
  -kama after
29 -na


infiix for future and have to,
you have to tell me
  Kuti-mu-spa-yki when you have come back
30 tupa-na-nchis-kama till we meet again

*Reqsi-su-spa-yki is a special –ing form. It is build up as follows: reqsi-y to know, -su as an augmentative marker, very, -spa as –ing form and –y for I . It is an idiomatic expression that says: Nice to meet you.

Kusikusani reqsisuspay literally states: I am glad myself, as I am getting to know you.

With this form you can build complex sentences, for instance: kusi-ku-sa-ni tia-spa-y.

Tia-y is to sit: As I am sitting, I am glad. –Spa can be used when the subject in both sentences is the same and there is an order: first sitting, then becoming glad. The topic of building complex sentences is covered in this course in Lesson 8.

Exercise 1, version 2, try to fill in the gaps

1 Iskay runakuna tupaku…. (iskay runa tupakun)
2 Runa rima..: Allillanchu? (A)
3 Huknin kutichi..: Allillanmi, qamrí (qamqá) Cuscu sumaq! Ancha ………! (B)
4 A: ……mantataq hamunki?
5 B: Holanda…….. hamu…..
6 A: Holanda karusu! Haykataq ura aviun.. tiarkanki?
7 B: Qayna ……… Amsterdammanta Lima……. chunka iskayniyuq ura ……… tiarkani.
8 Lima llaqta…. puñurqani hutilpi
9 Kunan punchaw tuta……. Lima…… Cuscuman iskaylla ura aviunwan pawaq kani
10 B: Maymantapas ………nki?
11 A: Eugenemanta hamu….
12 B: Maypitaq Eugene?
13 A: Ustadus Uniduspi, suyu Oregonmi ………
14 Holanda aswan karuchu Eugenemanta?
15 B: Arí, Holanda ……… karu Eugenemanta.
16 A: Imataq suti…..?
17 B: Jan Willem ……..y, qamrí
18 A: Wake sutiy. Kusikusani reqsisuspay
19 Jan Willem: Noqaqa ……………………pasmi
20 Wake: Haykataq punchaw ……………. kasanki?
21 Jan Willem: Kimsa simana Piruwpi ……………
22 Wake: Imakunatataq munasa…….. ruwayta
23 Jan Willem: Munasani riyta Machu Pichu, Pisaqmanpas, ……………sani rikuyta tukuy. Qamrí?
24 Wake: Nuqachu? …………….. pusaqwan …………….pi purisaq, Apu Salkantayman, chaymanta Machu Pichuman, haqay………. Cuscuman kutimusaq.
25 Jan Willem: Haykataq punchaw …………?
26 Wake: Suqta punchaw …………… urqukunapi. Nuqa, pusaqwanpas, waykuqwanpas, arrierowanpas, kabballukunawanpas.
27 Tawa runakuna, phiska uywa…………pas, huk kaballupas nuqapaq. Mana atispay puriychu.
28 Hawa simana, qanchis punchawkama kaypi ………………
29 Jan Willem: Rimanawanki, kutimuspayki
30 Wake: Allinmi. Tupananchiskama
31 Jan Willem: …………………

Exercise 1 version 3, with a literal translation

This is a literal translation, given line by line to show the structure of the language.

Line 1 Iskay runa-kuna tupa-ku-nku.

Two man-plural meet-self-they

A: Runa rima-n: Alli-lla-n-chu?

Man say-he good-diminutive form-Q-marker

B: Huknin kuti-chi-n: Alli-lla-n-mi, Qam-rí? (Qam-qá?) Cosco sumaq! Ancha sumaq-mi.

B: (the) other back-speak-he (answers): Good-diminutive form-euphonic particle. You-and? Cusco beautiful (is, is understood) Very beautiful-euphonic particle that expresses certainty.

A: May-manta-taq hamu-nki?

Where-from-and come-you

B: Holanda-manta hamu-ni.

Holland-from come-I

A: Holanda karu-su! Hayka-taq ura-s aviun-pi tia-rka-nki?

Holland far-very! (Is is understodd) How-much-and hours plane-in sit-past form(did)-you

B: Qayna punchaw Amsterdam-manta Lima-man chunka iskay-ni-yoq ura aviun-pi tia-rqa-ni. Lima llaqta-pi puñu-rqa-ni hutil-pi. Kunan punchaw tuta-manta Lima-manta Cusco-man iskay-lla ura aviun-wan pawarqani.

Gone day Amsterdam-from 12 hour plane-in sit-past form-I. Lima city-in sleep-past form-I hotel-in. Now day night-from Lima-from Cusco-to two-diminutive form hour plane-with fly-did-I

B: May-manta-taq-pas hamu-nki?

What-from-and come-you?

A: Eugene-manta hamu-ni.

Eugene-from come-I

B: May-pi-taq Eugene?

Where-and Eugene? (is, is understood)

A. Ustadus Unidus-pi, suyu Oregon-mi suti-n. Holanda aswan karu-chu Eugene-manta?

USA-in, region (state) Oregon-euphonic particle name-it. Holland more far-Q marker Eugene-from.

B: Arí, Holanda aswan karu Eugenemanta.

Yes, Holland more far (is, is understood) Eugene-from

Line 15 A: Ima-ta-taq suti-yki?

What-object marker-and name-you?

B: Jan Willem suti-y-mi. Qam-qá?

Jan Willem name-I-euphonic particle that expresses certainty. You-topic marker, (with change of emphasis)

A: Wake suti-y-mi. Ancha-ta kusi-ku-sa-ni reqsi-su-spa-y!

Wake name-I-euphonic particle much-adverb marker glad-self-being-I know-intensive marker-ing. form-I. (This is an idiomatic expression)

Jan Willem: Nuqa-qa kusi-ku-sa-ni-pas-mi.

I-topic marker glad-self-ing. form-I-and-euphonic particle

Wake: Hayka-taq punchaw kay-pi ka-sa-nki?

How much-objectmarker day here-in be-ing-you?

Jan Willem: Kimsa simana Piruw-pi ka-saq

Three week Peru-in be-ing (fut.form)-I

Wake: Ima-kuna-ta-taq muna-sa-nki ruwa-y-ta?

What-plural-object marker-and want-ing. form-you make-infinitive form-object form.

(What do you want to do?)

Jan Willem: Muna-sa-ni ri-y-ta Machu Pichu-man, Pisaq-man-pas, muna-sa-ni riku-y-ta tukuy! Qam-rí?

Want-ing. form-I go-inf. form-object form Machu Pichu-to, Pisaq-to-and, want-ing. form-I see-inf. form-object form all. You-and?

Wake: Nuqa-chu? Nuqa-qa pusaq-wan urqu-kuna-pi puri-saq, Apu Salkantay-man, chay-manta Machu Pichu-man, haqay-manta Cuscu-man kuti-mu-saq.

I-Q marker. I-topic marker guide-with mountain-plural marker-in walk-will I (future form) Apu Salkantay-to, there-from Machu Pichu-to, over-there-from Cusco-to come back-hereto-will I

Jan Willem: Hayka-taq punchaw puri-y?

How-many day walk-inf. form?

Wake: Sohta punchaw puri-saq urku-kuna-pi. Nuqa-qa, pusaq-wan-pas, waykuq-wan-pas, arriero-wan-pas, kaballu-kuna-wan-pas. Tawa runa-kuna, phiska uywa-kuna-pas, huk kaballu-pas nuqa-paq tia-na-y-paq, mana ati-spa-y puri-y-chu. Hawa simana, qanchis punchaw-kama kay-pi-man kuti-mu-saq.

6 day walk-will I mountain-plural-in. I-topic marker, guide-with-and, cook-with-and

Arriero-with-and. 4 man-plural, 5 animal-plural-and. One horse-and I-for to-sit-I-on, not able-I walk-inf. form-negative marker.

Jan Willem: Rima-na-wanki, kuti-mu-spa-yki!

Tell-must/will-you-to-I, come back-ing. form-you

Waka: Allin-mi, tupa-na-nchis-kama!

Good-euphonic particle. Meet-will/must-we both-till

Jan Willem: Tupa-na-nchis-kama!

Exercise 1 version 4, translation in English

2 men meet each other

One man says: How are you?

The other says: Good, and you? Cusco is beautiful, very beautiful.

Where are you from?

I come from Holland

Holland is very far. How many hours did you sit in a plane?

Yesterday from Amsterdam to Lima I sat 12 hours in a plane. In Lima city I slept in a hotel. Early this morning from Lima to Cusco I flew (it took) only 2 hours with a plane.

And where do you come from?

I come from Eugene.

Where is Eugene?

In the USA, in the state of Oregon. Is Holland further (from here) than Oregon?

Yes, Holland is further.

What is your name?

Jan Willem is my name. And you?

I am Wake (Wake is my name). I am very glad to meet you.

I am also very glad.

How many days are you here? (will you be here)

I will be in Peru for three weeks.

What do you want to do?

I want to go to Machu Pichu and to Pisaq. I like to see (it) all. And you?

I? I will go with a guide to walk in the mountains, to Salkantay, from there to Machu Pichu, and from there I will come back to Cusco.

How many days walking?

6 days I will walk in the mountains with a guide, a cook and an arriero, and with horses. 4 men, 5 animals to carry loads, a horse for me to sit on, if I am not able to walk. Next week in 7 days I will come back here.

You have to tell about (it) me when you are back again.

Good, till we will meet again.

Till we will meet again.

This is the end of Exercise 1.


Go to Quechua Exercise 2