Resumé of Jan Willem van Ee

Jan Willem (1946) was until his retirement in 2004 a civil law notary in Utrecht, The Netherlands. He studied civil law and notarial law at Free University at Amsterdam and canon law at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). In these fields he received MA’s.
He was in the forefront of mediation in The Netherlands, and he also studied conflict managemant at the Maastricht University.
Jan Willem published scientific articles in the range of notarial law, canon law, church and state, as well as conflict theory and mediation.

His father was a school professor in the classical languages Latin and Greek, and something of a knack for languages he seems to have inherited. Along the six languages taught in the classical Dutch curriculum of the time Jan Willem taught himself Chinese, later Quechua (the Inca language) and recently classical Tibetan. He wrote a short simplified grammar for Quechua language that is published on his website.

After his retirement he made an inquiry, partly very intensive, in a number of subjects that normally are called alternative. To these belong Enneagram and an esoteric form (about which he wrote a book, free on his website), Feng Shui, Qi Gong, geomancy and dowsing, Kabbala, western astrology, Peruvian high altitude shamanism, Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism. The last topic he has immersed himself in is landscape and nature photography.

These many topics and experiences enable him to see connections that are not obvious at first sight.
He published on this website a very innovative theory on conflict, based on Autopoiesis (Maturana and Varela). The Dutch and English texts are also free on his website.

Travelling to the remote areas in the mountains of South-East Peru he realised the only way of understanding the Peruvian shamans was to learn their language, Quechua, the old Inca language. So he did, and because proper simpel material is hardly available he wrote a simplified Quechua Grammer himself, that is publised on this website.

In 2016 after studying for several years classical Tibetan langguage he made an adaptation in Dutch and English of the high Dzokchen Tibetan Buddhist text know as Flight of the Garuda by Tshogsdrug Rangdrol also named Zhabkar.

The Dutch adaptation is called ‘De Wiekslag van de garoeda’, the English version is called ‘Flight of the Garuda’. Parts of it are published on this website. The complete texts are published in Amazon Kindle.

From summer 2017 onwards he immersed himself in the art of photography. A offshoot if this is the photography website Several photo books and many photos are published here.

In 2020 he published the photo book with text: The Crack (Dutch: De Kier) about the phenomenon of emergence and art. This book will be accessible through this website.

More information you will find on his (Dutch) website

You can mail to  Jan Willem at or through contact.