Home/Flight of the garuda

The Garuda and Conflict

Mushrooms in autumn, Doorn NL The Garuda and conflict The world seems full of conflict. Through the media all kinds of conflicts parade before our eyes. Moreover, I bet that every human person has conflicts, had had them, and will have them. There seems to be no escape. To put it bluntly: Participating in [...]

2020-11-21T17:22:21+00:00Categories: Conflict management, Flight of the garuda|Tags: |

Reality Exploration Part I

Clouds in the form of a lama foetus above Ausangate, Peru Reality Exploration Part I Lately I gave a talk about the Garuda for a Dutch Gentlemen’s Club. I was convinced before that the idea of the imagined orders, and the idea that one sees reality distorted by ones own lenses, i.e. the preferences one [...]

2020-11-21T20:44:49+00:00Categories: Flight of the garuda, Perception|Tags: |

Energy and reading the Garuda

Despacho for the Garuda, executed in June 2016 Energy and reading the Garuda Have you ever pondered what happens when you read a book or attend a concert? Probably not, but then the following might be of interest. Zhabkar, writing the Garuda drew from a millennium of Buddhist psychology and Dzogchen practice. We schould mind [...]

2020-11-21T20:58:31+00:00Categories: Flight of the garuda|Tags: |

Might there be ‘someone/thing’, for instance God out there?

Copyright Steve Alexander - www.temporarytemples.co.uk, by permission. Crop Circle, 2009; What is it? A blueprint for a device, a language? Nobody knows! Might there be ‘someone/thing’, for instance God out there? In the Clarification to Flight of the Garuda, I use the ideas of Yuval Noah Harari, who states in his book Sapiens, a short [...]

2020-11-21T21:04:20+00:00Categories: Flight of the garuda, Meaning|Tags: , |

Can one read the Garuda and be a devout Christian, Buddhist or Moslim?

Part of a stained glass window with the Inka creed: Don’t be lazy, don’t lie, don’t steal, in Quechua Can one read the Garuda and be a devout Christian, Buddhist or Moslim? The short argument is this: the Garuda is about the training of the mind, and religion is about believing. The one doesn’t cancel [...]

2020-11-21T21:08:43+00:00Categories: Flight of the garuda|Tags: |

Is Zhabkar’s account an imagined order of its own?

Is Zhabkar’s account an imagined order of its own? In the Clarification I stress the point that Buddhism is an imagined order, and that Zhabkar’s account of the matter enables one to go beyond this and other imagined orders, be they religious or secular. The question arises then of this is possible at all, and is [...]

2020-11-21T21:14:44+00:00Categories: Flight of the garuda|
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