Home/Conflict management

The Garuda and Conflict

Mushrooms in autumn, Doorn NL The Garuda and conflict The world seems full of conflict. Through the media all kinds of conflicts parade before our eyes. Moreover, I bet that every human person has conflicts, had had them, and will have them. There seems to be no escape. To put it bluntly: Participating in [...]

2020-11-21T17:22:21+00:00Categories: Conflict management, Flight of the garuda|Tags: |

It all changes; the past also?

Seqoias in Lady Bird Johnson Grove, CA It all changes; the past also? Lately I had a dream in which it was said that the phrase ‘times change’ is equal to ‘all changes’. This reminded me of the famous aphorism, attributed to Heraclitus: panta rhei, everything flows, that is bound to our Western understanding of [...]

2020-11-21T20:09:16+00:00Categories: Conflict management, Consciousness|Tags: , |
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