What others say of Flight of the Garuda

These quotes are about the Dutch edition of Flight of the Garuda

Beautiful to undertake such enveavour: Chapeau! The book and its content are splendid. I wish that it may reach many, and enrich them.

Manifested love! Lucidly clear and inspiring adaptation, and what a beautiful book.

It is like a feast. Such energy in a book is a rarity. Highly recommended!

It’s a beautiful book, and what a gift to the world the content is!

I pick up the book again and again. The notes especially are beautiful. Especially note 52 I find splendid, it all comes together for me. The book is a precious gift.

Very inspiring and of much help in order to see that with a clear mind you can make choices, to step into the story of life, while being liberated.

The book is beautifully crafted, and between the cover rich content. I have lived with it for a couple of days, and I am very impressed. I have read the clarification and found it very interesting. What a beautiful essay. You give a wrapup of the current situation and help its further developement. It is quite splendid to see how you in writing already take along the reader and move yourself to his position.

I started with your beautiful book. I choose moments of silence in which I can concentrate. The book is of utmost quality in careful construction. I am not surprised that this book is successful in sales.

Splendid, splendid!

It is encouraging to see the successfull combination of science and spirituality.

The book is a whole, balanced, readable and understandable for everyone.

In a conversation I was told that it is a quite attractive trait of the book that I leave open what is truth, underwhile showing in an unbiased way how you can start training the wisdom of the text.